Tag Archives: attitude of gratitude

FUNdraising Friday: A Little…Goes a Long Way

For a lot of us, November is a poignant reminder to be thankful for those people who share our lives and for all that we have at whatever level. But, an attitude of gratitude will serve you well as a fundraiser all year long! 

It is generally accepted that individuals are more likely to become repeat donors when they feel acknowledged and appreciated for their contributions, big or small, and know how their money is being used. Always follow up on a donation with a thank you note – digitally or by putting pen to paper. Not only is it polite, it can prompt future gifts. Personalize your message, if you can, and tell them how their donation helps. 

A Few Quick Tips

  • Start by thanking your donor in the way they donated. If they give via your pohr.org page, it is fast and easy to send a thank you email from your dashboard (log in at pohr.org).
  • Honor your donor’s wish to remain anonymous or keep their donation amount private.
  • Email and social media are great, but a physical thank you note is something special. Sending a card or letter in the (snail) mail just might make your donor’s day!

And please know that we are so grateful for each and every Pan Ohio Hope Ride supporter. You are making a difference in the lives of cancer patients and their families, and together we are working to end cancer as we know it, for everyone!